


为学生 & 家长:一对一缩放课程或谢尔比大厅参观 

For students and parents interested in speaking to a contact in our College about 我们的节目,请联系德里克·沃尔夫 wolfe@kusanagiatsuko.com.

为教师 & 辅导员:上课时间的虚拟演讲

If you're interested in having a guest speaker present virtually or in-person, please 联系德里克·沃尔夫 wolfe@kusanagiatsuko.com.

The 工程学院 at the 十大彩票网投平台 offers five undergraduate 理学士学位. 每个本科专业都有相应的学位 Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s program allowing students to earn simultaneous graduate credit for certain coursework taken for their BS degree. 学院也 offers four 研究生证书课程, five Master of Science degrees, and Doctor 哲学学位.

▼   化学工程学士学位

化学 Engineering is a profession in which knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop economical ways of using material and energy for the benefit 人类的. The curriculum provides fundamental instruction in mathematics, chemistry, 生物学、物理学和工程学. This education prepares the graduate to seek employment in petrochemical, pharmaceutical, healthcare, microelectronics, polymers, energy and 环保产业. In addition, the graduate is well-prepared to pursue graduate 学校.

化学 & 生物分子工程系

▼   土木工程学士学位

Civil Engineering involves the design and construction of systems necessary for our 现代社会的功能. 它包含许多技术专业,其重点是 is the design of large, normally one-of-a-kind, facilities such as bridges, buildings, tunnels, highways, dams, waterways, airports, flood control systems, coastal protection systems, water supply networks, and waste treatment plants. 随着我们社会的扩张, challenging opportunities will continue to be available for Civil Engineers practicing in their own private firms, in large companies, or in governmental agencies.

民事、沿海、 & 环境工程系

▼   计算机工程学士学位

The Computer Engineering program is geared to students who are interested in the design of digital computing systems, integrating both hardware and software design components.

电 & 计算机工程系

▼   电气工程学士学位

电 Engineering is among the fastest evolving disciplines in our technological 社会. Engineering developments in electrical technology have provided, in a substantial way, improvement in the standard of living of humanity. 电的定义域 engineer reaches from massive electrical energy systems to microscopic integrated circuits; from life studies in bioengineering to satellite communications systems; and from the control of electromagnetic radiation to the control of information flow 在电脑里.

电 & 计算机工程系

▼   机械工程学士学位

机械 Engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines. 机械 engineers invent, analyze and design systems that produce power or convert energy. This encompasses such diverse applications as designing next-generation aircraft and automobiles, inventing novel methods of generating energy from renewable sources, and developing sophisticated new medical devices and systems. 机械工程师 are in the forefront of exciting new technological fields, including nano-engineering, 生物医学工程和能源研究.

The department offers concentrations in Aerospace or Biomedical Engineering.

威廉·B. 燃烧的小. 机械、航空航天、 & 生物医学工程系


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